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Product Description
In order to keep your air clean in your home or business, it is important to install replacements frequently and dispose of your old filters properly.
What Is A MERV Rating?
Report a filter's ability to capture larger particles between 0.3 and 10 microns (µm).
MERV 13 Air Filters
Effective at trapping 98% of airborne particles in a typical home
Choose the right sized filter:
Before buying a replacement filter, check your owner's manual to identify the right number or size of your filter – it should also be printed on the side of your existing air filter. Or measure the filter yourself for accurate sizing.
Which way does the air filter go in?
The arrow on your air filter should point to the blower in your HVAC unit. If the filter is in the wall or ceiling in your home, then the arrow on the filter should point to the wall or ceiling.
NOTE: If you put the air filter in backward, the filter will collapse and damage your HVAC unit.
Our furnace filters are made of moisture-resistant cotton fibers and sturdy paperboard; The filters feature an electrostatically charged pleated design to capture more harmful airborne particles, outperforms standard fiberglass filters.